Let’s face it, history is constantly being made all around us, and often timeless pieces of our history are linked to notable figures of past generations that have influenced our culture or touched us forever. At U.S. Coins and Jewelry, we are passionate about our collection of these pieces of history. No matter if it is in the form of rare signatures or autographs, signed historical letters, vintage photographs, or other unique documents. Celebrating the preservation of our honored past is what we do.
Possessing and preserving these historic items gives one a sense of heritage and pride. We are proud to offer a large collection of historical documents for sale. Documents encompass all manner of printed and handwritten forms, from deeds and birth certificates to licenses and passports. These pieces of paper may contain signatures, making them of interest to autograph collectors, but documents do more than capture signatures, they are official records of the circumstances surrounding particular moments and events, often witnessed and documented firsthand.
We buy and sell some truly significant collections and individual pieces. We buy all types of old, historical, collectible, and graphically interesting original old paper items. From Presidential signatures to early Texas documents, these are typically family heirlooms, which descendants of the writers and recipients, as well as collectors, often chose to sell. They select U.S. Coins and Jewelry to purchase these treasures because of our reputation, understanding of the market, appreciation of the history, and the financial rewards.
We wish to buy quality old paper items of historical and collectible value. We buy all types of old, historical, collectible, and graphically interesting original old paper items.
If you have historic signatures, photographs, and documents for sale, whether single items, small groups, or collections, please contact us. All offers are subject to seeing the original.